Top 3 Reasons Why Summer Is The Perfect Time To Finish Your Garage Floor
Top 3 Reasons Why Summer Is The Perfect Time To Finish Your Garage Floor

Recently we’ve offered you articles centered around the application of epoxy coatings to your garage floor. We’ve not only explained why epoxy coatings would be beneficial for your home or commercial need but also offered advice as to why you should hire a pro. With summer fast approaching, it’s the perfect time to put such recommendations into practice. To follow along with the theme, here are 3 key reasons why we consider summer to be the best time to apply an epoxy coating to your garage floor.

Concrete FAQs
Concrete FAQs

Each week we dive into specific topics concerning concrete such as tips for staining concrete, best methods for stripping sealers, and how to waterproof a foundation. This week though, we’d like to take a step back to answer some frequently asked questions regarding concrete for both residential and commercial needs.

Why You Should Hire A Pro To Apply Your Garage Floor Epoxy Coating
Why You Should Hire A Pro To Apply Your Garage Floor Epoxy Coating

So you’re thinking about applying an epoxy coating to your garage floor but don’t know if you should DIY or hire a pro. When it comes to home improvement projects, this exact question plagues many homeowners. You know the decision you should probably make but are feeling adventurous and oh so crafty, so what should you do? As Omaha’s premiere flooring specialist, we’d like to offer our assistance in helping you make this difficult decision by recommending you hire a pro when it comes to this specific project type. We know, we know; you were planning on having a fun weekend with this project, but projects like this actually do require expertise in ensuring it gets done right. To further iterate this, here are 5 reason why you should hire a pro to apply an epoxy coating to your residential or even commercial garage flooring.

Why Should You Consider An Epoxy Coating For Your Garage Floor?
Why Should You Consider An Epoxy Coating For Your Garage Floor?

Known for its unmatched durabiity, epoxy coatings are one of the most sought after products for garage floor finishes for both residential and commercial clients. Not only are epoxy coatings durable, they are also low maintenance and aesthetically pleasing. Below we’ll dive into exactly what epoxy coatings are and how they differ from other similar products as well as the benefits provided to you upon utilization of this product.

The Low-Down On Concrete Cracks
The Low-Down On Concrete Cracks

Just as sure as concrete will harden, it will crack. Although concrete is known to be one of the most durable building materials in the world, it is still susceptible to cracking. While this is true, it does not make concrete any less of a solid investment for your commercial or home flooring purposes. So that you’re better informed on this issue, we’ve provided some insight below to let you know why concrete cracks, how to prevent cracks, and just what type of cracks are acceptable and which are not.